Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Support USS MONTANA and Crews (posted 2/26/19)
In a powerful and moving resolution on behalf of the people of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of Northwestern Montana, the CSKT Tribal Council unanimously expressed support recently for the future USS MONTANA and her crew members.

The resolution recognizes the long and proud history of military service by Tribal Members, including in the Navy. According to the resolution, “…some 286 men and women of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes have served in the United States Navy beginning in World War I…to the present day…”. It also notes that “…Native Americans serve in the military at the highest rate per capita among all races and ethnic groups in the United States…”.
The resolution goes on to cite the legacy of the first USS MONTANA, an armored cruiser that was commissioned in 1908, as well as the many modern capabilities that will enable the new Montana namesake Virginia Class nuclear-powered fast attack submarine to accomplish a range of missions in defense of the nation.
The resolution concludes, in part, that the Tribal Council members, “…salute and send the Creator’s blessings over all men and women who help build, equip, crew, train, and eventually sail aboard the USS Montana…”.
The full resolution may be found here.
The USS Montana Committee joins the officers and crew of the under-construction MONTANA in sincere appreciation for such a meaningful and strong expression of support.