USS MONTANA Commanding Officer and Crew in Helena March 9, Bozeman March 10! (posted 2/24/23)
You’re invited to meet and visit with the Commanding Officer and crew members of the USS MONTANA (SSN 794) at events in Helena and Bozeman on Thursday, March 9th, and Friday, March 10!

Commissioned into the Navy fleet just last summer, the USS MONTANA is a leading-edge, highly stealthy and lethal nuclear-powered fast attack submarine. During its construction and commissioning, Montanans across the state have shown their strong support for the boat and its young crew members. Before long the boat and sailors are expected to join the Pacific Fleet, ready to be “on-scene, unseen” in defense of our nation.
Commander Jon Quimby and crew members will be available at several events on the 9th and 10th to thank Montanans and answer questions about the capabilities of SSN 794 and her crew. They will also be presenting to the State of Montana the actual commissioning pennant flown over our namesake warship during her commissioning ceremony.
Public Events in Helena on Thursday, March 9, include:
• Visit with Hometown Helena members and attendees
Montana Club, 7:00 AM.
• Special public lunch at the Helena Armed Forces Reserve Center (HAFRC) at Fort Harrison
Sponsored by the Helena Area Chamber of Commerce, the Helena Naval Reserve Center, and the USS Montana Committee, this will be a special opportunity to join the CO and crew, Montana National Guard and Reserve members, and the current Leadership Helena class for a presentation on the submarine and crew, with lots of question-and-answer time.
Helena Armed Forces Reserve Center, 1956 Mt. Majo Street, Fort Harrison. 11:30 AM until 1:00 PM. Reservations are required. Cost is $16 in advance or at the door. To reserve and/or pay in advance, please email the Helena Area Chamber of Commerce at or call 406-442-4120.
Following the lunch, attendees are invited to tour the nearby Montana Military Museum (1900 Williams Street, Fort Harrison).
• A State Capitol update and appreciation event for Montana elected officials and the public, including presentation of the USS MONTANA commissioning pennant to the State of Montana
Sponsored by the Governor and legislative leaders, this event will be especially meaningful and historic because of the presentation of the SSN 794 commissioning pennant to the State. Only once before, in 1908, was a warship named the USS MONTANA commissioned into the fleet.
State Capitol, Old Supreme Court Chamber (Room 303), 5:00 – 6:00 PM.
In Bozeman, on Friday morning, March 10, at 9:00 am have coffee with the USS MONTANA commanding officer and crew members at the Museum of the Rockies.
In addition to an update on the submarine and the missions training the crew continues, there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and visit with the CDR Jon Quimby and the crew members with him. One of them, LT. Cody Popelka, is a Montanan and a Mechanical Engineering graduate of Montana State University.
This event is being held in partnership with the Museum of the Rockies. It is free, with no reservation needed.
600 W. Kagy Blvd., Bozeman, MT (9:00 – 10:00 AM.)