SSN 794 Tribal War-Victory Song (posted 10/12/24)
If the officers and crew of the USS MONTANA must do battle in the future, they will be encouraged by a powerful reminder of the amazing warrior spirit and unflinching service to the United States of America of Montana’s Native People.
In connection with the ceremony this summer at which CDR John Gilligan took command of the USS MONTANA , the new captain was presented with a professional recording of a special tribal war-victory song. His predecessor, CDR Jon Quimby, and visiting sailors had heard the song recorded for SSN 794 on March 13, 2024, at the Tribal Council Chambers of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes at Pablo on the Flathead Indian Reservation. Most of those recording the song were veterans.

The transmittal letter from the USS Montana Committee said that it was an honor and privilege to provide the song. The letter continued:
“The very powerful and moving song reflects the warrior spirit of all Native Peoples of Montana as they have protected their homelands and proudly served the United States of America.
The recording was by the Brothers Drum group with support of the Yamencut group of the Flathead Indian Reservation. It was recorded and mixed by producer and sound engineer Shadow Devereaux…
On behalf of all those who created the victory/war song for the USS MONTANA, and on behalf of the USS Montana Committee, we hope that the song will always be a reminder to her crew of the support of them by our Native People — and if called to battle they will be especially inspired to victory by it.“
Now, as the crew continues to prepare for the USS MONTANA’s forthcoming move to the Pacific Fleet and the missions they may have, CDR Gilligan tells us that the song is played over the boat’s announcing circuit while manning battle stations during training. Says CDR Gilligan, “The crew loves it! Very motivating.”
The song in its entirety may be heard here.