Committee Members
Mark & Deanne Zora - Butte
Burke & Katie Tyree – Great Falls
LCDR (ret) Paul B. Tripp – Columbia Falls
Stephanie Townsend – Bigfork
Skip Orvis – Columbia Falls
Alan & Colleen Nolan – Kalispell
Kelly Addy - Bigfork
Wade & Gee Gee Allred - Bigfork
Chase Anderson - Laurel
Dale Anderson - Sidney
Steve & Linnea Armstrong - Bigfork
Chris Aymes - Kalispell
Paul Babb - Butte
Cliff & Jeanette Baird- Great Falls
John & Nina Baucus - Wolf Creek
John & Margaret Baldridge - Missoula
Monte Bawden - Lewiston
Liz Bangerter - Helena
Greg Beach - Missoula
Paul & Michelle Beausoleil - Anaconda
Michael & Becky Beckman – Thompson Falls
Art & Lyn Bennett - Whitefish
David & Dana Bennett - Missoula
Calvin Beringer - Kalispell
Dennis Berklund - Bigfork
Richard & Marilou Berklund - Formerly of Shepherd
Jonathan Bingham, M.D. - Great Falls
Carol Bishop - Huson
David Blade - Helena
Rex Boller - Lakeside
Jim & Sue Booth - Stevensville
Col. Frank Borman - Billings
Lane & Rachel Bos - Bozeman
Donald C. Bost - Lewistown
Michael Bower - Billings
David & Denise Brewer – Havre
Jennifer Brien - Formerly of Kalispell
Katie Brien - Formerly of Kalispell
Harold & Sharon Britton - Cascade
Bob & Sue Brown - Whitefish
Bob Burch - Kalispell
Thomas & Gayle Butler - Deer Lodge
Norman & Bonnie Campbell - Shepherd
John & Cynthia Cannon - Bigfork
Joe & Pam Carbonari - Kalispell
Charles Carroll - Billings
Bill & Valerie Caton - Laurel
Larry & Tami Christensen - Sidney
Bill & Valerie Caton - Laurel
Nick Chiechi - St. Marie
Don & Naomi Claridge – Somers
Doug & Cindy Coats - Kila
Beth Cohen - Billings
Stuart & Anita Cole - Bigfork
Mayor Wilmot Collins - Helena
Wayne Connell - Great Falls
Brenden & Karyn Craig - Helena
Tamara & Joseph Crismore - Libby
Larry Cummings - Cascade
Ron & Shelly Davis - Butte
Jory Dellinger - Missoula
CAPT (Ret) John & Polly Derr – Livingston
Gerald & Ann Devereaux – Great Falls
Ward & Margie DeWitt – Bigfork
Paul Dragu - Havre
Timothy Dralle - Helena
Dan Eastman - Polson
Dan Ellison - Helena
John Emeigh - Butte
Victoria Emmons - Missoula
Gerald Evans – Missoula
LeAnn Galt Feisthamel – Great Falls
Tom & Tina Fellin - Stevensville
Tom & Amy Figarelle – Great Falls
Scott Fisher - Columbia Falls
Carol Bishop Flaherty - Bozeman
Arron & Jessica Flint - Billings
Dan Flynn - Anaconda
Thomas Fletcher - Bigfork
Jim & Deborah Foster – Columbia Falls
Attorney General Tim & Karen Fox - Clancy
Joe & Casey Furr – Great Falls
Conal Gallagher - Missoula
Sarah Garcia - Helena
Christopher Gartrell - Formerly of Manhattan and Bozeman
Al Garver - Helena
Raymond G. Gavlak III - Stevensville
Greg & Susan Gianforte - Bozeman
Mark Gilbertson - Formerly of Kalispell
Terry & Joan Gill – Lewistown
Ray Godfrey - Bigfork
Susan Gordee - Whitefish
Gary & Peach Graeff - Bigfork
Maury Graham - Glasgow
Jack Griffith - Lakeside
Bill & Valerie Goodwin -Bigfork
Richard Growney - Bozeman
Chris & Francine Hagar - Bigfork
Kay Hansen & Bye Bitney - Somers
Nancy Hampton – Great Falls
Paul & Julie Hatzell - Billings
Richard & Christine Heimbaugh – Formerly of Deer Lodge
Dave & Karen Helmrick - Troy
Bill & Rebecca Hendrix – Kalispell
Jason & Jamie Hildenstab - Helena
Joe & Julia Hill - Formerly of Ennis
Sean Holden - Martin City
Todd & Lynn Holton - Bigfork
Charles Hubbard - Bigfork
Dan & Lora Huestis – Great Falls
Brad & Carlene Irion – Formerly of Great Falls and Roberts
Kristen Inbody - Great Falls
James Irwin - Sweetgrass
Keith Johnson - Twin Bridges
Kristin Jacobson - Missoula
Blair Jones – Park City
Tate Jones - Missoula
Thomas & Kelly Kim - Anaconda
Max Kalafat - Formerly of Great Falls
Forrest & Penny Kartevold - Helena
Bob Kelly – Great Falls
Cari Kent - Great Falls
David & Tamara Kiehl - Bigfork
Mitch & Carla King - Helena
Kevin Kleckner & Dawn Underwood - Bigfork
Roger Knoell - Butte
Betty & Jim Konen – Butte
Bob & Barb Kunch - Thompson Falls
Jay Lamb - Formerly of Billings
Jerry and Diana LaMott – Bigfork
Ryan & Lisa Lance - Whitefish
Ross and Samantha Lane - Bozeman
Michael Lawson - Butte
Tammy Liechty - Victor
Josh Lind - Great Falls
Mark & Analyn Lee - Bigfork
Terry Lodmell - Malta
Joann Loehr - Helena
Dale & Kathy Longfellow - Hobson
Jack & Beth Lynch - Kalispell
Lori & David Lynch - Billings
Marc & Kay Malpeli – Bigfork
Dan & Mary Carol Marcus - Bigfork
Gene & Peg Marianetti – Formerly of Great Falls
James & Joy Mariska - Billings
Ellie Martin - Hamilton
Kris & Lacey May - Missoula
Grant Mayer - Helena
Greg & Linda McCallum – Formerly of Walkerville and Butte
Kenn & Susan McCarty - Saint Ignatius
Jim & Shelley McCormick - Helena
Ray & Christian McClelland - Great Falls
Ward Dewitt & Margie McDonald - Bigfork
James McGimpsey - Helena
Pete Mckinley - Helena
Jeff McNeish - Laurel
Chase McQuillen – Great Falls
Matt Meismer - Billings
Ron & Jessie Merwin - Polson
Cody Miles - Havre
Steve & Lee Miller - Dayton
Aaron & Jeni Millikin – Formerly of Bozeman
Glenn Monson - Glasgow
Todd Morgan - Missoula
Jack & Nancy Morton - Missoula
Bob & Penni Nance - Billings
Jack Neergaard - Bozeman
Don & Jeannie Nelson - Kalispell
Steve Nelson - Missoula
Wayne Newton - Rollins
Robert Nieuwenhuyse - Havre
Bob & Kim Nystuen - Lakeside
Peter & Elaine Oakander - Manhattan
Tom O'Connor - Bozeman
Lt. Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. James Olmstead - Huson
Jody Olson - Havre
John & Marilyn Olson - Sidney
Carlene A. & Darrell W. Orr - Libby
Kevin Oster - Miles City
Jon Ottenbacher - Miles City
Arnie & Kendra Owen – Great Falls
Deb Parker – Billings
Joe Parsetich – Great Falls
Bob Pearce – Columbia Falls
Robbi Perry - Kalispell
Gwenna Peters - Billings
Carla Peterson - Billings
Debbie Peterson - Billings
Darren & Colleen Pettyjohn - Bozeman
Bob Pfouts- Huson
Dennis Philipp – Great Falls
Brianna Pierce – Corvallis
Art & Pat Plowman - Boyd
Andy Polumsky – Corvallis
Don and Carolyn Popelka – Cut Bank
Jim & Annie Porter - Belt
Duncan & Ellen Preston - Missoula
Chuck & Linda Ream - Bigfork
Dave & Monica Richardson – Formerly of Missoula
David & Kathy Roberts - Kalispell
Ken Robison – Great Falls
Paul Robitaille - Bozeman
Mark & Heidi Roedel - Kalispell
David & Claire Roehm – Great Falls
Thomas P. Ross – Missoula
Linda Renninger - Helena
VADM(Ret) Rodney Rempt - Big Sky
Char Rossl - Great Falls
W. Richard & Viviane L. Roth - formerly of Big Sandy
Peggy Salitros - Formerly of Colstrip
Mike Schauf - Missoula
Jeff & Andria Schepp - East Helena
Travis Schroeder - Butte
Harlan & Judith Schwan - Kalispell
Peter Scott - Bozeman
Whitney Scott - Billings
David Semrau - Kalispell
Jim & Jean Senst - Great Falls
Gayle Shanahan - Helena
Troy Shockley - Helena
Lee Shubert - Helena
John Sisson - Colstrip
Derek & Ronalee Skees- Kalispell
Howard & Angie Skjervem - Helena
Brad & Cindy Skramstad - Kalispell
Everit & Nikki Sliter - - Kalispell
Steve & Cheri Sloan - Kalispell
Bernie & Thedra Slogotski - Bigfork
Glen Smith - Hamilton
Jim Smith - Helena
Tom & Irene Snyder - Bigfork
Harry & Caroline Solomon – Bigfork
Arnold Sonsteng - Formerly of Billings and Wolf Point
Ron Spence - Billings
Leigh Haislip Spencer - Great Falls
Courtenay Sprunger - Kalispell
Ernie & Anna Steiner - Bigfork
Linda & Bill Stewart - Bigfork
Larry Strizich - Great Falls
Serena Stockton-Bowerman - Columbia Falls
Donna Stone - Kalispell
Peter Sullivan - Helena
Tom & Toot Sward - Bigfork
Amber Swindler - Glasgow
Rolf Tandberg - Missoula
Ken & Terry Thompson – Great Falls
Arthur Thomson – Formerly of Kalispell
Larry Tomsich – Missoula
LCDR (Ret) Paul Tripp – Columbia Falls
MG (Ret) Paul & Muffin Valley - Bigfork
Russ & Robin Vukonich – Columbia Falls
Craig Wagner - Bigfork
Melville (Mel) Walters, III - Stevensville
Chris Walthall - Bigfork
Aaron Ward - Townsend
Dan Wagner - Billings
Kirk & Angelina Waren - Butte
Chris & Lori Warden - Missoula
Mike Waters – Billings
Debra Waterfield – Great Falls
Jack & Betty Waterfield – Great Falls
Arthur Wayne - Missoula
James Wegener - Kalispell
Monte Weisser - Kalispell
Beau & Holly Wielkoszewski - Bigfork
Tony Wilke – Dodson
Patty Willbanks – Jefferson City
Gary & Arlene Wilson - Bigfork
Bernie Windauer - Kalispell
Bill & Kathleen Wipprecht - Bigfork
Barry & Pixie Wirth - Lindbergh Lake
Gary & Laurie White - Butte
Chip & Barb Youlden - Billings
Grant & Mary Zerbe - Frazer
Dan & Pamela Zimmerman - Polson
Ryan & Lola Zinke - Whitefish
Honorary Committee Members
Louis Browning
Grandson of ADM Louis McCoy Nulton who, when a Navy commander, was commanding officer of the first USS MONTANA, Armored Cruiser No. 13, beginning in January 1914. CDR Nulton and MONTANA served in the Caribbean during and after the Tampico Affair and resulting invasion and occupation of Vera Cruz, Mexico, at one point returning bodies of killed sailors, marines and soldiers to New York.