USS MONTANA Arrives at New Pacific Fleet Homeport of Pearl Harbor! (posted 12/23/24)

The USS MONTANA arrived today at its new Pacific Fleet homeport, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii. Chairman Ron Davis of the USS Montana Committee called the arrival a “…most significant milestone for the USS MONTANA and her highly-trained crew.” Said Davis, “It signals that the submarine is that much closer to being tasked to accomplish any of a number … Read More

USS MONTANA Redelivered, and on the Move! (posted 12/5/24)

The USS MONTANA has made her first port call since being “redelivered” to the Navy recently, and her Captain, CDR John Gilligan, says that the crew is doing well, and is happy to be operational again! The scheduled port call was to Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia. The MONTANA is shown arriving at the base in the Navy … Read More

USS MONTANA (SSN 794) Scholarship Available to Crew and Dependents (posted 10/13/24)

Crew members of the USS MONTANA – present, past and future – and their family members may now apply for scholarships funded by the USS Montana Committee. The scholarships are for study at accredited colleges and universities as well as vocational education institutions. Thanks to the much-appreciated generosity of Committee supporters, and Administered by the partner Dolphin Scholarship Foundation, scholarships … Read More

SSN 794 Tribal War-Victory Song (posted 10/12/24)

If the officers and crew of the USS MONTANA must do battle in the future, they will be encouraged by a powerful reminder of the amazing warrior spirit and unflinching service to the United States of America of Montana’s Native People. In connection with the ceremony this summer at which CDR John Gilligan took command of the USS MONTANA , … Read More

USS Montana Committee’s New Leadership Members (posted 10/11/24)

As the USS Montana Committee continues its transition to long-term support of SSN 794 and her crew members, the Committee also continues to plan for succession and bring aboard new members of its leadership team. Recently Ron Davis of Butte was elected by the USSMTC Steering Group as the new Committee Chairman. Ron, a well-recognized Montana Broadcaster, is also an … Read More

The USS MONTANA Has a New Commander! (posted 8/13/24)

In a traditional and very moving ceremony earlier this month in Newport News, Virginia, CDR Jon Quimby was relieved of command of the USS MONTANA by CDR John Gilligan as part of the U.S. Navy’s normal succession and career development processes. Captain Brian Hogan, Commodore and Commander of Submarine Squadron 8 to which SSN 794 is assigned until her forthcoming … Read More

USS MONTANA (SSN 794) Continues Progress toward Planned Summer Pacific Fleet Move (posted 4/15/24)

Major recent milestone achievements in several areas signal significant progress toward the USS MONTANA’s making its planned homeport move to Pear Harbor, Hawaii, over coming months. The Captain of SSN 994, CDR Jon Quimby, credits outstanding performance by the crew for meeting Navy requirements in three specific areas necessary before the nuclear-powered fast attack submarine and crew are approved for … Read More

CO, Crew Connect with Montanans during Event-Packed Week (posted 3/20/24)

With nearly two-dozen events in the western part of the Treasure State during the week of March 11-17, the captain and crew members of the USS MONTANA (SSN 794) met lots of Montanans – and had many unique experiences related to Montana’s history, culture and economy. While the next visiting crew members may have to come from Hawaii after the … Read More

USS MONTANA Commander and Crew in Montana March 11-17 (posted 2/28/24)

Public events are planned in Kalispell, Butte and Missoula during what is likely to be the last small group visit by USS MONTANA crew to the Treasure State before SSN 794 moves to its home port of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Over the years of the nuclear-powered fast attack submarine’s construction, testing, commissioning, and training, crew members have visited communities, Indian … Read More